Prepare the Image icon with size 40x40 ( extension PNG )
- Open STD . Download STD HERE
- Select ( non- touch ) .
- Select type hp ( sonnet ) .
- Enter the name of your project 's content and then ok .
- In the preview window select the second slide that contains ² icon , and then click one of the icons
- At the bottom of the image will appear STD icon that you select .
- After it was clear that the old icon image , how to right click the image icon and then select delete .
- After the old one didelete icon image , the image will be lost , then right-click the blank lg yg picture , then click the image change .
- Select the icon file that you will use , and then click ok .
- The icon file that you will use , will appear at the location of the old icon file that you have previously clear .
- After that click export theme.
- After the exported file will appear with the format trsebut theme . Smt .
- Then RENAME theme file ( . Smt ) into extension . Rar ( example : theme.rar )
- Extract the file . Rar file will display trsebut ² theme .
- Then rename the file icon that will be used ( example : before ente replace icon music player , the music is in the STD icon icon number 3 , then rename the file icon that is Menu03_FocusIconAnimObj.qmg hrs . Rename the file to the name of the icon file manager ( for example icon mainmenu : idle_softkey_mainmenu.qmg )
- Replace trsebut file in a / images / twil / manager
- See the results .
Credits :Austin
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