Every now and then, I get this trouble with Deep Freeze not showing its icon on the system tray. It's a common problem faced by many, so I decided to create a short post on how to display the Deep Freeze icon. Why should you display the Deep Freeze icon? If you did not intentionally hide it, you might have troubles showing the Deep Freeze window and be able to set the computer to either thawed or freeze mode. At some point, no matter how much you will press Alt + Ctrl + Shift + F6, you will never be able to show the Deep Freeze window if the system tray icon is hidden. Here's the solution.
Display the Deep Freeze Icon
1. Open the run command by pressing Windows Key + R or navigating through Start > Run
2. On the run command, key-in the following code (include the quotation marks)
"C:\Program Files\Faronics\Deep Freeze\Install C-0\_$Df\FrzState2k.exe" 1 106917
3. Press ENTER and Viola! You will now see the Deep Freeze Icon on the System Tray
4. To access the Deep Freeze window, you can double click the icon while holding Shift or you can press Alt + Ctrl + Shift + F6.
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Hiding the Deep Freeze IconSometimes, you would love to hide the Deep Freeze icon from other users. Here is a very sleek way to do it.1. Set your computer to Thawed Mode.2. Locate the Deep Freeze Installation Folder. The default directory is "C:\Program Files\Faronics"3. Rename this folder to anything. To avoid future hassle, make sure that you can remember the new name.4. Open Deep Freeze window and set the computer to Freeze Mode.5. Restart and Viola! The Deep Freeze System Tray icon is now hidden.How to show the hidden icon?Follow the same process as noted above, but change step 2.2. On the run command, key-in the following code (include the quotation marks) "C:\Program Files\Faronics\YOUR_DIR_NAME\Install C-0\_$Df\FrzState2k.exe" 1 106917 YOUR_DIR_NAME is the name of the Deep Freeze installation directory after you renamed it.Note: To permanently show the System Tray Icon of Deep Freeze, revert the installation directory name to the default which is Faronics.
How to show Deep Freeze Enter Password
Are you having Problems?
If you are having problems with the instructions above, feel free to drop a comment on this post. I will get in touch with you as soon as I can.
[Deep Freeze is a registered trademarks of Faronics Corporation]